Pipeline construction is unlike any other construction. As the industry adapts to more formal schedule requirements, HITO can help.

How many HDD rigs do we need on site to complete them all in 3 months? We understand your people and how they work. We can translate the plan from your team into a clear and concise document.  We build practical schedules that not only satisfy the contract, but actually help you and your team manage the spread.

Blending your company’s best practices and established workflows into the scheduling routine is the most important aspect to consider. You shouldn’t need extra work or staff just to satisfy the owner’s requirements. Give us your daily station to station production, and we can status and update the schedule.

“Make a plan-God loves jokes.” With regular schedule updates, changes in conditions can be captured and well documented. The impact can be measured, and the team can understand the effect a change has on the completion date.

Want reports? With our professionally produced schedules, we can provide production curves, graphs, and GIS based progress reports.  We can flange up to your accounting system to complete any earned value requirements. TILOS march charts can also be produced as needed.


Phone: (833) 448-6646
Chatham, IL